High School Seniors

Should you get professional makeup done for your senior portraits?

February 24, 2016

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Once you book your senior portrait session, we will begin to plan all of the details of your session.  Each session is different because each girl is different.  We will go over location ideas, outfit ideas, styling ideas, etc.  But often times, people leave their hair and makeup to be figured out on the day of the shoot.  And if you’re anything like me, if you’re trying to have a great hair and makeup day, you won’t!

One of my favorite reasons to hire a pro for your photo session, is mainly to alleviate stress on that day.  Allow yourself to feel pampered.  A pro knows how to make your look pop for the camera.  She also knows how to bring out your best features- you may learn a few things that you can use at home!

Going in to your session without that stress and feeling extra confident will allow us to have the most fun and relaxed session possible!

senior girl pose laying in grass


I spoke with Denise Hutter, of Images by Denise, to get a few answers on why you should choose professional makeup for your photography session.

1. Why would I want professional makeup for photographs?

Because you want to look fabulous! A professional makeup artist will know how to match your skin tone, bring out your best features and minimize your less attractive features. But more important than that an experienced artist will know what different types of makeup will look when being photographed and under different lighting situations.

2. Define your style of applying makeup
Clean- I like to enhance your natural beauty.

3. Do you do airbrushing? Add lashes? What types of product do you use?
I do both traditional and airbrush application. I use my own line of products, but most high end product lines will have the quality needed to do the job.
As for lashes, I will add lashes if the client would like them (love the lashes.)

4. How do you determine what look to give people?
I like natural, but what is natural to the client is what I try to achieve. I do this by asking the client lots of questions to find what there comfort level is. I only want to enhance their look and if they feel beautiful, then I did my job.

5. What kind of prep should I do before our session?

My best work is always on a well rested (sleep the night before) client who’s skin is hydrated inside and out by drinking lots of water (not alcohol) and uses a emollient night cream the night before, eyebrows that are groomed and all unwanted hair (lip, chin, side burns) removed at least two days before the shoot.
If you have your hair cut or colored, please do it a week or two before.
The day of, come with dry hair. I only work on dry hair (day old or clean hair doesn’t matter to me.)
Moisturizer on, light makeup is okay no mascara, as it is difficult to remove and may look clumpy.

Ready to book your own senior portrait session? Click here for  tips to prepare, or email me to schedule your session!

Download the freebie Design your Dream Session Worksheet by signing up here!

designed by Elizabeth McCravy

 627 Photography © 2024 Apex Senior Photographer